Wart / Mole / Skin Tags
Laser therapy is a dynamic treatment for the removal of moles, skin tags and warts. Thanks to advancements in laser technology, providers can utilize these efficient and precise tools to remove skin imperfections without the need for invasive surgery.
Moles are skin growths that can be present at birth or appear later on. They can be many colors, including brown, pink, red, or black. They are typically benign, though they can turn into malignant instances of cancer. They occur as a result of abnormal cell growth.
If you have moles, age spots, or warts, you know how unpleasant they can be. You just want to get rid of them quickly, without residual scars. Fortunately, modern laser technologies combined with the cosmetology skills of our specialists allow us to achieve excellent results for our patients. Advances in laser technology have allowed specialists to penetrate deep enough into the skin to eliminate these flaws.
The skin on your treatment area may appear pink and shiny immediately after your treatment area has healed. This should even out to a natural skin tone after several weeks.
Contact the Transformation specialists for a detailed consultation. We are happy to answer all your questions and choose the best modern procedures.
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